you are one bad ass player and you have to settle for 3rd place. again.
Schweinsteiger, or Shweinnie as those in your inner circle like to call you, I know the last thing you wanna hear is what a great achievement it is to place third in the world cup and that you and your team should be proud of what you have done this tournament. Everyone had already ruled out your team before you even played, with your coach bringing in all new and young players that had yet to play on an international level, and you, at the ripe age of 25 already perceived as a veteran suddenely looked upon as a leader with your fellow mates Podolski and Lahm after YOUR leader Ballack gets injured meerly weeks before the world cup started and has to sit out THE WHOLE TOURNAMENT.
But you don't want to hear that. Because you fought through all those challenges, and yet you are third. Again.
after your first triumphant game against australia, everyone sat up straighter and went, whoa germany is looking better than they have in years, that crazy coach Jogi might actually have made a brilliant plan with his young team. And Lahm taking over as captain and being an all around ridiculous player and instiling confidence in all of you. And then YOU, you started to come out as the best player on your team. Because you started ordering everyone around, telling those youngesters where they needed to be and passing beautiful unselfish passes to them so they can score. You gave Muller everything he needed to shine and emerge as the most talked about player at the world cup, and now with his five goals, a chance to win the golden boot award. You let klose strike when needed and let him be the head bitch in charge to shooting goals, you teamed up with Khedira brilliantly and ruled the field by barely letting the other team get possession. You were the last one fighting during the last 3 minutes of that awful spain game when everyone else had already succumbed to defeat. And when you slumped over in tears after the game, all of Germany cried with you, cause we know you wanted it so bad. And holy shit did you deserve it. You, klose, lahm, podolski, you all deserved this. You don't wanna settle for third place anymore. I get it. 2006 world cup, then losing in the final at 2008 euros, and now here.
So I won't try to list off your achievements to try and make you feel better. But i will say this, you took on as captain for your last game here at the world cup when poor lahm and all your other buddies had to sit it out due to illness, and you showed not only uruguay but all the frightened youngesters on your team who's boss. But you yet again played with no selfishness and helped them, showed them what it was like to play on your level because deep down you know just like the rest of us germans, that this team of young players will be MONSTERS come 2014. And we will get that title. And you will be there with them. Cause they look up to you.
So to you number 7, and the rest of this amazing, flawless, beautiful team, know this:
You were the most exciting team to watch this world cup. You broke the world's stereotype of german soccer by bringing on a diverse team with unique players and finally started showing a sense of humor and personalities. We've always been known as the efficient soccer machine that other countries would never THINK of rooting for. But this time around, the way you showed class and humbleness after each win. No drama when you were given unjustified fouls and cards (the world yelled as klose gets a red card, you guys don't even flinch and keep playing *applause*). The way you supported each other and fully showed just how close this team was with your epic bromances (I'm looking at you, ozil, podolski and schweinnie). True sportsmanship and team players. And with your coach looking like a GQ motherfucker on the side lines with his cardigans and scarves. Somewhere between murdering england and shutting them up with 3 more goals before they can whine about not getting that one goal (which they did deserve) and showing how dynamite you all play together instead of opting to act like superstars and not play TOGETHER (like some other teams...), we started rooting for you. And not just us germans, but even bitter england fans started going "well they did beat us... but they beat us well... and argentina... i hope they make the final now", but the press as well. suddenly you were on everyone's lists as not only the best team, but the most deserving. You will be remembered. And everyone is now waiting for euro 2012 to see you all back on the field because they want to cheer for you. You have made new fans with this team of yours. And we love you.
So chin up boys, you are young and just hitting the tip of the iceberg of your future epicness. Muller is 20. TWENTY. this bitch is gonna hit his full potential in the years to come. plus you got awesome players like ozil to mold as well, I love this bitch:
so don't worry mannschaft, it ain't over. we await your epicness with impatience. plus if you're still feeling bummed, just remember, we're waiting for you to come home.
thanks german national team, you made me root like crazy for you and soccer this year.
german pride beaming julia niendorf
poldi, muller and schweinnie bromance, I can watch this for hours and it still makes me laugh for some reason. Muller is all, please work out this lover's spat later, k thanx.
muller knows what's up.
lahm, you adorable little man, i support you becoming captain full time.
just hug it out guys.
also, never forgot our wrath argentina.
relish the medal guys!
man love.
klose you incredible specimen, please come back next world up to get your actual record. you won't be THAT old.
that's right boys, show your bromance and those medals.
who says germans can't laugh at themselves?!
"k guyzz we're off to train for euro 2012, see ya!!!!!!!!!"
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