
oh, she's just being miley.

so these fucking disney kids that are taking over our music scene are 98% of the time useless and annoying. and i know that for this generation they are our backstreet boys and spice girls so i can't hate too much but still, rolling stone never gave a backstreet boys album 4/5 stars. really rollingstone, how much is disney paying you?

that being said, i said 98%. that leaves 2% that i have a weak spot for. and that soft spot is none other than the biggest one of them all, miley motherfucking cyrus.
this pop tart is ridiculous. first she has the most annoying show on earth, hannah montana that every 12 year girl ate up like actual pop tarts so disney makes it into a movie.... a concert movie. A CONCERT MOVIE OF A 14 YEAR OLD FOR 2 HOURS. it also became the biggest grossing concert movie EVER. wtf.
then this fiesty 15 year old makes the jonas brothers huge by bringing them on tour, then she starts fucking one of them, takes nudie pics on her iphone to send to him which leak on the internet. how does she recover? decides to pose in vanity fair like this:

upon realizing she might be pushing everyone buttons just a little too much (publicists, disney and every parent with a 12 year old) she releases a statement saying "I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed." 


either way, she releases her first "real" album, aka no songs written by disney and her 12 year old fans who are now 13-14 are hitting their avril phase so they embrace it, cause miley is pissed about breaking up with her jonas brother bf and she's gonna wail about it. pre-teen angst perfection. and just when you wanna brush her aside with her made up rock image, her naive look at the world (oh no one will see these pictures of me and my friends drinking on my myspace!!!!), dating a 21 year old model named Gaston, and just generally releasing annoying hit singles that is the demise of music, she performs and there it is. some actual talent. her voice ain't great but there it is, stage presence. and you understand why millions of girls wanna be her, and for a second i'm thinking 'damn gurl, work it". she's a natural.

and also, when you can have some sort of humor that makes you seem like a regular person, i'll high five you. see below a clip from her music video where she's getting "chased" by paparazzi who randomly start dancing and instead of buying into the whole 'lets make a dance sequence in a pop video because it's the oldest trick in the book', she acknowledges it in the end.
"They were dancing and I'm not really sure why" a++++

did i just write more than 20 words about miley cyrus? yeah i did. haterz to da left.

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