either way, it's 4 days before shoot time and for those who don't know, cody bown and i finally got our butts in gear and got forest lawn production underway with it's first project, and our first collaboration that will make be on film. you can follow our production blog for all the adventures that have happened so far. cody and i were pretty much inseparable in film school, and spent many of our broke days lying on my couch at old 2905 eating popcorn and surviving on dr. pepper and cans of tuna. we wrote a lot of weird stuff during those days, mostly due to the fact that we listened to a lot off animal collective and watched todd solondz, larry clark and harmony korine movies. due to that, none of our ideas ever got picked to be made in film school. cody has always been my number one supporter of my writing and has encouraged me not to be afraid to put the weird out there. what was once something always in the back of my mind was unleashed after i met him, and since then i have never been afraid to write what i truly i want. it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but i'd rather write what i love then try to be anything else. it feels really great being reunited with him. i couldn't be more proud that we are doing this together, and to see him emerge as the great director i always knew he was.
but with our awesome producer alexis and our slowly emerging production-coordinator/co-producer - we haven't quite figured out what to credit him as yet - Byron Fudge, the puzzle pieces are almost in place.
the other thing that has been occupying my time is THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD CUP. it took my dad years to make me interested in soccer and somehow in the last 5 years i have become a full fledged fan. it doesn't help that the german national team is so awesome this year, that i have straight up trouble sleeping the night before they play cause i get so excited. to make this world cup even more awesome, our Director Of Photography that just flew in for our short is none other then our long lost VFS unofficial class 107 teammate James Schlittenhart, who if you didn't guess by his name, has German blood flowing through his veins and a soccer obsession that can't be tamed. Therefor having him here for the Sunday morning match between Germany and England was epic. On a side note, I would just like to say that I managed to screw up James's flight arrival times and ended up high tailing it out of the morrissey on saturday morning (it was 2 am) and cabbed it to the airport to pick him up. we ended up drinking at kits beach till daylight, which is what reunited german friends do.
alas though, on sunday morning at 5:45 am we drank some german beers, put on our german jerseys and waited for byron, drew and rachelle. once everyone arrived and we made poor rachelle chug beer (she's a trooper), we made our way by car to the one german restaurant in town. on our way we drove by an english pub with a line up of england fans outside, so James and I proceeded to climb half way out of the car windows and yell at them. cause we're those people. we then blasted guns n roses while byron looked at us perplexed, which prompted James to state the obvious "see this is why drinking at 6 am is awesome". when we reached the restaurant, it had a huge line up and it was 5 minutes before kick off and we didn't want to risk missing any second of the game, so we gunned it for Byron's apartment.
for those who didn't watch the match (for shame!!!), germany was brilliant, flawless, amazing, precise, etc. their assist goals were something to behold. did england get screwed over from that disallowed goal? of course. that goal was in and should have been counted for. but germany still kicked their asses 4-1 so end of story.
german national team, i love thee.
world's best defender and head bitch in charge philipp lahm thanks you for reading this post.