best-worst may.29.2009
vitamin T
so i started my weekend by sleeping in. which is always a +. i made a giant batch of delicious margaritas and put it in franz's nalgene water bottle and then we put on our beach gear, hoped onto our bikes and headed to jericho beach. seriously, that first bike ride in shorts, flip flops, bikini and tank top is G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S. we passed through our old hood, waved to our former humble home le 2905 and had a moment of "ohmygod i miss this neighborhood".
we scoped out a rad sandy spot and proceeded to down our giant margarita. during suntanning, some smart ass bird decided to relieve himself of something nasty he ate earlier, which landed perfectly as one giant brown, gooey, liquidy mess on my tank top. thankfully not on my skin. i proceeded to shed said tank top and rock my bikini top... and then washing my shirt like a loser in the ocean. after 4 hours of lying in the sun, i had yet to tan or burn for that matter. fucking pale ass german skin.
animal collective. i love thee. i know a lot people don't get it, that's fine. but some people like me, just do. and man do we get into it. there's something about finding that one consistent beat in their songs and then appreciating and getting elated by all the different layers they add. it's beautiful and invigorating. for easy listening to try and get into it, check out "the purple bottle" and "summertime clothes". i discovered them in 2005 from le cody bown. he played me "we tigers" and i was hooked. we used to listen to animal collective 24/7 and write crazy shit. it was our film school soundtrack. we first saw them at the commodore in 2007 (with my mouth wired shut from my accident no less...)

animal collective consist mostly of Avery Tare, Panda Bear and Geologist. Their live shows are super high energy and you never wanna stop dancing, and they make dreamy musical intervals between every song so the music never stops. it's like one giant musical trip that doesn't stop for an hour and a half. i started off by the side of the stage with dan and mike to get a good view but these two tall dudes stood in front of me and REFUSED TO MOVE once animal collective started. dude, you're at an ac show, fucking dance. so i did something i swore to never do in concerts cause it's an asshole thing to do, i pushed my way to the middle of the front of the stage. seriously, i wanna get into this with my fellow ac fans. which i did. we were all dancing and jumping around, so satisfying. i also made friends with the two hilarious dudes in front of me. see conversation:
dude 1: ah man i can't wait until they play brother sport!
dude 2: yo they already played that.
dude 2: what?!!! how did i miss that?! HOW?!
dude 1: it was like the second song dude!
me: they didn't play brother sport yet.
dude 2: they didn't?!
me: yeah that was summertime clothes.
cue animal collective playing brother sport and all of us rejoicing, i thought dude 2 would keel over in joy.
also i love panda bear so much. his singing voice is insane. he takes it to a whole new level. and when he turns to the drum set beside him and starts going ape shit on it during songs i lose it. i love it so much. i love seeing people going through different instruments. he does it so well.
used to be what? - music
TV respects me. It laughs with me. not at me.
Eddie and Lou (The Simpsons)
eddie and lou have the best underrated scenes, hands down. the simpsons have embraced all the characters in the town and given them the limelight at one point in the series, but eddie and lou still just pop up randomly with amazing one liners. they also were in one of the greatest pulp fiction parodies of all time. i love them, and for some reason they crack me up more than anyone else, and i'm a die hard simpsons fan (suck it family guy).
Ina Gardner (The Barefoot Contessa)
this bitch is fierce and the HBIC (head bitch in charge) on the food network. she has this fabulous house in the hamptons where everyone worships her and she feeds her geeky husband to his satisfaction. her fierceness is only amplified by the fact that she makes no apologies for cooking straight up fatty foods. her first line is always "a stick of butter" for ANY recipe. even her salad dressing. get it gurl. I finally worked up the balls to make one of her recipes and it was delicious.
Alex and Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)
these 2 are extreme damaged goods. this show is a constant soap opera of ridiculousness (but I still love it, fml). Alex and Meredith are no exception. they are probably the most fucked up in the cast. Alex had an abusive father and had to take care of his crazy depressed mother and every chick he dated ended up crazy. his first years as in intern he was a grade A sexist asshole. but now he's one of the best residents and is slowly swallowing asshole tendencies. now he's just bad ass. Meredith had a suicidal mother who paid no attention to her growing up, opting for an affair and pushing her husband away, leaving Mer fatherless. she was super depressed and semi-alcholic as an intern, but now has gotten ahold of her demons. after 5 seasons, these 2 are now the most grounded, and their rare scenes as friends show they have a deeper connection because of their pasts and cause of how they both deal with shitty situations. they only seem to be honest with each other and no one else. thus making their scenes some of the more realistic of the entire series.
Mark Greene (E.R)
the golden days of e.r, season 1-5 had geeky but adorable mark greene in the spot light. we met him in the pilot episode as the level headed and talented chief resident. with the heart of gold of course. mark greene was amazing. not only was he an amazing mentor and teacher to his interns, but he was well respected out of the whole hospital staff. although his marriage crumpled from his work alcoholic tendencies and he developed an addiction to pain killers at one point, mark greene was the hero of the E.R. I dare you not to love him. when he died in season 8 of a brain tumor, it was one of the finest/saddest hours of television. one of the nurses said it best in later seasons, years after his departure "forget superman, give me mark greene". amen.
Eric Van Der Woodsen (Gossip Girl)
in the retardness that is gossip girl (AMAZING RETARDNESS), is the shamefully underused and under-appreciated erik, younger brother of hot bitch and star of the show, serena. when everyone is going batshit crazy or being ridiculous, erik appears out of nowhere and sums everything up and puts them in their place with one line. examples:
[Eric walks in on his mom and Rufus kissing] I would say get a room, but yours is right above mine. Please try to remember that.
Desmond (Lost)
be still my heart. there's not much to say about desmond except that:
- he looks fabulous when drunk and sun burnt on an island.
- his accent is amazing.
- any episode that centers around him are always critically acclaimed.
- he's just awesome.
there's no other explanation. those who know, know.
Richard Alpert (Lost)
Couldn't leave out Richard if i'm talking about Lost. HBIC of the island. Screw Locke, Ben or even Jacob. this dude knows what's up. we know nothing about him except that he's been on the island forever, he has great fashion sense, his eyelashes are inexplicably well groomed and he looks like he wears permanent eye liner, oh and he's ageless. seriously this dude is like 200 yet he looks like a prime time 40 year old smooth talking hottie. note to lost writers - season 6 needs more alpert and his back story. oh and him kicking someone's ass. i know he has ninja skills.
Nigel Lythgoe (SYTYCD)
i love so you think you can dance. a lot. i piss of my friends talking about it. i piss off dan when i watch RERUNS of it. yes, reruns of a reality tv show. i keep my fave dances as videos on my ipod. i'm lame. whatever. reality tv show judges are usually useless and annoying, but nigel lythgoe takes it to a whole new level. first he thinks he's some kind of GOD for creating american idol and the NUMBER 1 DANCE SHOW ON TV *said in annoying host voice*. but his comments are amazing cause a) he's a perv who tells all the hot girls on the show they look amazing in his creepy way b) he puts down other judges c) he actually knows what he's talking about being a former broadway dancer and choreographer. what's that nigel? oh they did a jazz walk instead of a chassé, gotcha.
Beaver (Greek)
oh greek, you are the oc and undeclared in one hilariously entertaining and smartly written package. this random abc family show about frats and sororities in college has a bunch of really awesome characters, but none stand out more than beaver. cappie, the president of KTT is a gem and has some of the best one liners i've ever heard, but his best friend and side kick Beaver really one ups him sometimes with scenes like this:
Billy Riggins (Friday Night Lights
for those who don't watch FNL, shame on you. you are missing out on truly amazing television. yes it's about football, but you don't have to be a fan at all to appreciate this show. the brilliance that is kyle chandler as "coach" was going to be on this list, seriously why does this man not have an emmy? but when i think about it, billy riggins is truly one of my faves. fan favorite tim riggins was abandoned by both parents, so his older brother billy is his caretaker. these 2 boys live a life of beer and girls. and it's amazing. billy is a grade A screw up, and how he somehow manages to take care of tim is incredible. and although he's a dick sometimes, his genuine love for his brother and hope he doesn't follow the same path he did is super endearing. plus their bonding scenes are superb. or when billy walks around in his underwear hungover.
Cassie (Skins)
we unfortunately don't get this brilliant TV show from the UK, but download it if you have the chance. Mostly about a pack of 16 year old who are constantly on drugs and messing up their lives, Cassie stands out with her whimsical lifestyle. she's anorexic and in love with a boy who doesn't even realize it. classic 16 year old. but the actress brings a haunting realism to her role, keeping it light and airy when playing her space cadet ditzy blonde role, but reeling you in when she's alone and starving herself. Brilliant. or as cassie would say "oh wow, lovely".
Everyone in My Boys
I finish this off with a group ensemble, because no one can be singled out in this amazing show. Add this to the under-appreciated list x100. PJ plays a tomboy type chick, but hot of course, who's 4 best friends are all dudes, and add her brother in there, the brilliant jim gaffigan. basically the show is a half hour comedy about their lives, mostly them playing poker or hanging out at the pub. the writing is ridiculous, i genuinely laugh every show. the chemistry between everyone is undeniable. i recommend you check it out so you can enjoy it as much as i do :) a handy guide: