First, we left our humble 2905 pad and moved into the new palace, located on 12th and Fir. Of course, this consisted of staying up till 2 am the night before packing and bitching about life. The next day all our friend's were hungover from Sean's birthday so it was me, Franz and Dan doing the move. I had reserved a truck with Uhaul like 2 weeks before but for some reason they told me to drive all the way out the fucking Port Moody to get one. Ugh. By the way, Port Moody is a quant little town.
So we get there and instead of the 14 foot truck we inexplicably get upgraded to this 26 foot monster.

Yeah I drove that from Port Moody into Kitsilano. My stategic driving plan was "I'm driving a big truck, get the fuck out of my way". Which seemed to work. We also blasted country music the entire way to drown out the random brake noises that were scaring the shit out of us. Anyways, we only had like a 3 hour window with the truck so Dan and Franz ended up hauling all our furniture down the tiny stairs of death belonging to our heritage house and then up the 3 flights of stairs into our new place. They almost died. They also recreated this scene with our retarded big purple couch.
Seriously, Franz genuinely yelled it out.
After that awesomeness, we embarked on our next adventure which was directing a kick ass music video for local rock band extraordinaire, Like A Martyr. The weekend of the shoot we both got sick and it randomly snowed, awesome. Also the owner of the location we were shooting at was suuuuper weird. But it came together quite nicely. Big props to the band for shredding so much newspaper, we had like 10 bags of it. We were recreating a hamster's nest. Don't ask, just enjoy this snippet to see how cool we made the band look. Plus Leah and Tara look smoking.
Finally, the same week that was done I had the brilliant idea to pitch at Crazy 8 film festival this year. For those who don't know, crazy 8 is one of the biggest short film festivals in canada and helps put indie film makers on the map. You get 800$ and 8 days to film a short and it gets screened in front of industry peeps at a kick ass premiere. Anyways, 60 slots (haha slot) get filled up to have the right to pitch. I waited 3 hours in line and thankfully got in. I did my pitch even though 18 hours before I had to completely switch my original idea. After opening my pitch with a lame post-production joke where I actually called myself a nerd, I somehow did something right cause I got into the top 11 semi-finalists. This means I submit my script and hopefully get picked to be in the final 6 films. My writing skillz are being put to the test!
Go here to see retarded footage of me pitching and looking smug during an interview.
So yeah, it's been busy times and there's no break up ahead. But as long as I keep dancing like will smith, nothing is gonna stop me!!!!!!!!! MOUHAHAHA
So yeah, it's been busy times and there's no break up ahead. But as long as I keep dancing like will smith, nothing is gonna stop me!!!!!!!!! MOUHAHAHA